Standard input in Kotlin

Standard input

Standard input is a stream of data that goes into the program. By default, standard input gets data from the keyboard but it is possible to get it from a file.
  • Kotlin functions
    • Kotlin has a useful function to read data from the standard input. It is supported by the operating system. It is readline. It reads the whole line as a string.
 fun main() {
val line = readLine()!!
    • If you need to get a number from the input, you can use this construction:
 fun main() {
val line = readLine()?.toInt()!!

    • To accept multiple words in a single use the following code
 val (a, b) = readLine()!!.split(' ')
println("$a, $b")
val (c, d, e) = readLine()!!.split(' ')
println("$c, $d, $e")

  • Java Scanner
    • Another way to obtain data from the standard input is to use the Java Scanner.
    • Scanner allows a program to read values of different types (strings, numbers, etc) from the standard input.
    • You can use any method to add Scanner to your program.
 val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
    • reads only one word, not a line. If the user enters Hello, Kotlin, it will read Hello,
    • It's possible to read a number as a string using or scanner.nextLine() methods, if the number is on a new line.
 fun main() {
val scanner = Scanner(System.`in`)
val line = scanner.nextLine()
val number = scanner.nextInt()
val string =
    • Also, the Scanner type provides several methods (functions) for reading values of other types. Read Class Scanner.

Invoking functions

  • A function is a sequence of instructions, we can invoke it from a program by calling its name.
  • Functions arguments
    • When we want to use a function, we can invoke (or call) it using its name followed by parentheses.
    • If a function takes one or more arguments (input data), they should be passed in the parentheses. 
  • Producing a result
    • Some functions not only take arguments but also produce (return) some results.
    • All functions return a result, even the println function. The result is a special value called Unit that practically means no result.

Do's and Don'ts

  • reads only one word, not a line. If the user enters Hello, Kotlin, it will read Hello,
